Gone Phishing: 7 Cybersecurity Red Flags Your Law Firm Should Watch Out For


The days of simple password protection for your cybersecurity are long gone. Hackers are making their attacks subtler and more advanced—even using social media to create hyper-realistic websites and accounts. So, how can you add extra layers of protection for your law firm’s data and easily recognize those phishing signs?

We’ve created a list of red flags for your law firm, or warning signs, to help you determine if your law firm is at risk or the victim of a phishing attack.

1. Unexpected or unsolicited messages

You should be on the lookout for any unexpected or unsolicited messages—particularly those that contain attachments or links. If you’re not expecting a message from the sender, or if the message seems out of character for them, it could be a sign that their account has been compromised.

2. Threats or a sense of urgency

Phishing emails often try to create a sense of urgency by threatening dire consequences if you don’t take action immediately. They might say your account will be suspended or that you’ll miss a deadline. This is designed to panic you into clicking on a link or attachment without thinking.

4. Generic greetings

You can recognize phishing signs in emails by the use of generic greetings like “Dear sir or madam” or “To whom it may concern.” If you receive an email like this and you’re not sure who the sender is, be wary.

5. Spoofed email addresses

Email addresses can be spoofed, which means the sender’s address may not be genuine. Hackers will sometimes use similar email addresses to try and trick you into thinking the message is from a legitimate source. For example, they might use “noreply@companyname.com” instead of the real company address.

6. Requests for sensitive information

Beware of any email that asks for sensitive information like your password, bank account number, or credit card details. Legitimate companies will never ask for this information via email.

7. Anything that seems too good to be true

If an email or pop-up offers you something like immediate cash or a free product, it’s probably phishing signs. Be especially wary of offers that require you to click on a link or download an attachment to “claim your prize”.

Who Is at Risk of Phishing Scams?

Phishing scams can target anyone with an email address. However, some groups are more likely to be targeted than others.

Small business owners and employees: Small businesses are often targeted by phishing scams because they may have less sophisticated security systems than larger businesses. Hackers know that they can potentially gain access to a large number of accounts by targeting a small business.

Lawyers and Law Firms: Legal professionals are highly targeted because they house a lot of sensitive data. The number of law firms that are experiencing a data breach is on the rise with 25% experiencing a breach at some point. 

People who work in finance or healthcare: These industries often have access to sensitive financial information, making them attractive targets for phishers.

Human resources personnel: Human resources professionals often have access to employee information like Social Security numbers and date of birth, making them prime targets for identity theft.

How to Protect Your Legal Firm from Phishing Scams

Take a look at our top tips for avoiding a data breach through phishing; following these cyber hygiene practices could save you an average of about $108,000.

  • Never click on links or attachments in unsolicited emails: If you’re not sure whether an email is legitimate, contact the company or person directly to find out.
  • Don’t reply to unsolicited emails: If you receive an unsolicited email, don’t reply to it. This could confirm your email address to the sender and make you a more attractive target for future phishing attacks.
  • Be cautious of pop-ups: Pop-up windows that appear on websites can be used to collect your personal information. Be cautious of any pop-up that asks for your personal information, even if it looks like it’s from a legitimate website.
  • Keep your software up to date: Outdated software can be exploited by hackers. Make sure you have the latest security updates and patches for your operating system and web browser.
  • Use strong passwords: Create passwords that are at least eight characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Don’t repeat passwords across sites, and always use multi-factor authentication.
  • Work with a managed security service provider: Working with a managed security service provider (MSSP) can help you protect your law firm from phishing scams and other cyber threats. MSPs have the expertise and resources to help you implement security measures, including firewalls, anti-virus software, and email filters. They can also help you create strong passwords and develop a disaster recovery plan in case your data is compromised.
  • Create a culture of awareness with security awareness training: Your employees are your greatest asset but also your most vulnerable. Training employees how to recognize phishing signs and other cyber threats allows them to have the cybersecurity knowledge they need and your business to be better protected.

Stay a Step Ahead of the Hackers with Noftek Email Protection Services Solutions

Cybercriminals are inventive and relentless in their efforts to steal your data—but cybersecurity experts are constantly strategizing new ways to keep our data safe. At Noftek, we specialize in data security and can help you implement the right security measures to protect your business from phishing scams and other cyber threats. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.